jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Operacion Triton goes Harpoon

Con la intención de repotenciar la partida de triton, estoy haciendo una busqueda internacional de comandantes para Kathasia, y ya me han respondido unos cuantos. Os pongo como va, he decidido mover como elemento principal de la campaña en todos los niveles, esto potencia mucho tanto el ambiente naval como aereo de las campañas, ademas de alargar los turnos en escala de tiempo de juego para dar mas ambiente realista. Las fuerzas del orbat se añaden a las ya existentes, los escuadrones virtuales siguen teniendo libertad para usar cualquier medio que crean conveniente.
With the aim of repowering the departure of triton, I am doing an international search for Kathasia commanders, and now I have responded a few. I'm like going, I decided to move as a major element of the campaign at all levels, this much power the environment both naval and air campaigns, in addition to lengthening the time scale shifts in the game to give more realistic environment. Orbat forces are added to the existing virtual squads remain free to use whatever means they see fit.

Operation Triton 
Chain of Command
Katasia Orbat
Ground Forces
Oriental HQ (1 commander Jphn Webb):
elements 21º Infantry Bde (Formed 1988 UsArmy Mech bde) (1 commander Miguel Ramon)
elements 231º Frontier Btl (Formed Inf Btl) (1 commander optional)
Naval Forces
Mediterranean Fleet (1 commander Christian Wendt)
1st Patrol Flotilla (1 commander optional)
2x LCS (1 commander Darthkata, 1 commander optional)
2nd Patrol Flotilla (1 commander optional)
4x Visby class corvette (2 commander optional)
3rd Sub Flotilla (1 commander optional)
1x S80a Sub (1 commander Kafete)
4th Long Range Patrol (1 Commander optional)
1x Argos AGP class (1 commander Jakob Beck)
6x Polox PC class
Air Force
Oriental HQ (1 commander)
Melilla Airport (GEML) (1 optional)
Nador Airport (GMMW) (1 optional)
Tetouan Airport (GMTN) (1 commander JDiogo)

Ernesto Fernandez Gonzalez

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